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On the Rappahannock at Portobago
This is the second part of a kayak exploration I took up the Rappahannock River earlier in the fall, with the goal of learning more about...

The Mallow's Bay Ghost Fleet: A Specter of Bad Decisions?
It’s surprising how unrestricted Mallows Bay is to explore, once you set out onto the calm, shallow water. The most prominent of the...

Seeing Ghosts- On the Shore of Blackwater NWR
With Halloween just over a month away, it's finally time to talk about ghosts of the Chesapeake. Not Charlie Brown costumes or spooky...

Sturgeon and Salmon Fight Night: Coming to a shore near you! On the Shore of Marshyhope Creek
When I was in middle school, I developed a bit of a dinosaur obsession. I know, it sounds a bit late to be fostering a stereotypical...

Ever Forward at Poplar Island
When a 1,000 foot long container vessel runs aground in the Chesapeake, it'll probably always make the local news. When it gets stuck...

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